The draft 2020-30 Long-Term Accommodation Plan (LTAP) is now available.

The Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) Planning Team is looking for feedback on our Long-Term Accommodation Plan (LTAP). We want to know if we have addressed key issues facing your school community over the next 10 years.

What is a Long-Term Accommodation Plan?

The LTAP is a document that shows how well used and how well kept our schools are. Using this information, the LTAP offers recommendations for next steps over the short-term (one to five years) and medium-term (six to ten years).

This plan also helps guide student accommodation and capital planning activities. The LTAP has school-level enrolment projections and facility condition and utilization information. It identifies capital funding priority areas and general information on opportunities, limitations and considerations for planning.


If you are interested in providing comments and questions on the draft document, please email them to by June 4, 2021. We will review and consider them for the final 2020-30 LTAP.

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