Given the rise in cases and our concerns for the health of staff, students and their families, the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) is proactively preparing for the possibility of a move to a remote learning scenario in the New Year.

The decision to close schools and move from in-person to distance learning is made by the Ministry of Education. At this time, we have not received any direction regarding a move to distance learning after the Winter Break from the Ministry of Education. However, WRDSB staff have prepared schools to ensure a smooth transition, if required. We ask that families remind their children to bring home their personal belongings. It is also a great time to clean backpacks, lunch bags or any other items that students regularly make use of at school.

At this point students who have signed device agreements to transport a device home can do so over the Winter Break. Please note, all centrally available devices have been deployed to schools, so if we receive direction we are ready to provide devices. Schools will work with their families to ensure those students who do not have access to a device at home are prioritized.

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