January 21st, 2025
Registration for Before and After School Programs operated by the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) will open in Spring 2025. The specific date will be announced when it is confirmed.
Please note: If your child attends a third party operated program, please confirm the registration process and timeline with your child care provider.
Share Your Feedback
This past year the registration system used for Before and After School Programs, OneList, experienced technical issues. It caused unexpected delays and disruptions for families and caregivers trying to register. Increased demand has also increased resulting in program waitlists at some schools.
As a result, we are reviewing our:
- Waitlist policies
- Scheduling practices
This will help to ensure we are doing everything possible to help families access care. Your input will help inform any changes:
For questions about the survey: care@wrdsb.ca
About WRDSB Before and After School Programs
Before and After School programs are available in every school for Kindergarten to Grade 6 students. WRDSB-operated programs are:
- Led by Designated Early Childhood Educators (DECEs) registered with the Ontario College of Early Childhood Educators
- Guided by Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years: How Does Learning Happen?
- One part of a broader vision for a seamless child care system
- Licensed under the Child Care and Early Years Act
- This means that families with eligible children can benefit from reduced fees under the Canada Wide Early Learning and Child Care Funding plan (CWELCC)
Two fee-based programs are available:
- Extended Day for children in Junior Kindergarten to Grade 2
- Youth Development for children in Grades 3 to 6
Learn more:
Stay Up to Date
Families and caregivers may monitor the Before and After School website for further updates. Updates will also be shared with families via the email address on their OneList account.
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