May 7th, 2020
We have watched with full hearts as our community comes together, supporting those in need as our region responds to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of us are finding ways to give back to the communities where we work and live. We want to share these uplifting stories.
We are introducing #WRDSBGivesBack. This campaign will highlight ways our staff, students and families are giving back to their community. Giving back can mean many things; it can be collecting monetary donations, organizing food drives, helping neighbours with groceries, volunteering, and posting messages of support in windows. Are you or someone you know that’s part of the WRDSB family, supporting our community during this time? Tell us about it. Use the nomination form below to share the story.
We are here for our community and know you are too. Let’s share the work we are doing to make Waterloo region a great place to live and work during this time.
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