Centennial Public School is a senior elementary school of approximately 470 grade 7 and 8 students, located close to both the University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University.  We strive to establish a positive learning environment conducive to the cognitive, emotional, physical and social development of the early adolescent.  Our mission is to provide rich and varied educational opportunities that contribute to the strong positive self-image of each student, and that reflect a deep and abiding respect for the needs, feelings, heritage and rights of all.

Our staff provides an engaging core instructional program in English and French. We have both Core French and French Immersion classes, as well as two special Board programs – a Congregated Class for Gifted Learners, and a Life Skills class. Centennial offers two instrumental music programs – introductory strings and band – as well as a strong visual arts program. Physical education is another key program area, with students involved in a full spectrum of physical activity as well as health instruction. Science and technology at Centennial is a vibrant program area, with students involved in a wide range of explorations – from hands-on opportunities, scientific inquiry and experimentation, to individual technical challenges.

At Centennial, we believe that success depends on respect for others and self, a positive attitude toward accepting and meeting new challenges, and contributing to the school and broader community.