Centennial Seasonal Concert – Tuesday December 19th – 7 PM

Hey Lions! Please join us on Tuesday December 19th at 7 PM for the Centennial Seasonal Concert. Featuring performances by the Centennial Orchestra, Band, Chamber Ensemble, GLEE and Ukelele Club! Please click on the flyer below for more details! Seasonal Concert Flyer

IMPORTANT – SJAM Information Night Time Change

Hey Lions! The Sir John A. MacDonald Information Night is Wednesday December 13th. Information regarding PRE-AP or Fast Forward will be shared @ 5:00 PM. Regular programming will begin @ 5:45 PM.


Centennial Waterloo is the School Runner-up for the 2017 Canadian National Creative Writing Contest for Young Writers (Ages 12-18). The prize is awarded for the school sending in the third best overall group of entries for the contest. Centennial Waterloo (WRDSB) will be featured in the Poetry Institute of Canada’s anthology of creative writing: “The […]

This Week at Centennial December 11th to December 15th

Hey Lions! Here is at look at our week ahead! The TWAC board was done by our incredibly talented Ms. Fritsch! Thanks again Ms. Fritsch the board looks amazing!

Mully Cake Raffle

Hey Lions! Last week our WE TEAM held a Cake Raffle fundraiser to support the Mully Children’s Family Organization (MCF). The charity helps street children, orphans and other desperate youth by providing everything from shelter and clothing to education and medical care. The WE TEAM raised $518 to support the MCF in building a sports […]

Centennial Lions WIN!!!

Congratulations to our Centennial Lions as they faced off against the Laurentian Lancers to win the Volleyball Championship! Great work boys! A huge thank you goes out to Mr. Owens and Mr. Celik for coaching our boys to victory!

Parent Posts

Hey Lions! Here are a few Parent Posts from the WRDSB website! Enjoy! Parenting in a Digital World Cyberbullying

This Week at Centennial – December 4th to December 8th

Hey Lions! Here is quick look at our week ahead!

Treaties Recognition Week at Centennial

Hey Lions! The first week of November was Treaties Recognition Week. At Centennial we are learning about the rich Indigenous culture that is a part of our area. During Treaties Recognition Week we learned about treaties, treaty relationships and treaty rights that shape Ontario. Please take a look at the ways Centennial P.S. honoured and […]

Our guide for the winter season

Winter is coming and we want to ensure that we are ready for what Mother Nature has in store for us this season. During bad weather conditions, we may need to cancel buses or close schools for the safety of our students and staff. Here’s what you need to know: Learn more about our Severe Weather procedures.

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