The arrival of warm weather brings an important opportunity to review our student dress expectations with the community.

Because Centennial is a learning environment and a workplace for all school community members–staff, students, parents, visitors and guests–we expect students to dress in a manner appropriate to this environment:

1) Clothing must cover the torso in an appropriate manner.
2) Undergarments should not be visible.
3) Low cut tops, halter tops, off-the-shoulder tops, boys’ sleeveless shirts and see-through garments are not appropriate for school.
4) Clothing may not display suggestive or offensive messages (rude sayings, drug or alcohol-related slogans or symbols, etc.).
5) Shorts should have an inseam. The length of shorts or skirts should allow students to sit, bend and walk with dignity as determined by staff.

It’s important to acknowledge that the vast majority of students consistently meet these expectations. However, if a student’s mode of dress does not meet expectations, he/she may be asked to change into different clothing to meet expectations.Students requiring multiple reminders may be sent home.

We ask our Centennial families to be familiar with and support our student dress expectations in conversation with their children.

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